Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Monday, March 03, 2008


There are blue ribbons everywhere. On traffic lights, chain link fences, trees, stop signs, cars, overpasses. Fluttering in the Spring breezes, flapping in the storm gusts, reminding us of Bri with every movement.

Blue was her favorite color and we put the ribbons up while the community was hoping to find her. We put them up, praying that there would be a happy ending, knowing that there probably wouldn't be. Her life, much too brief, was ended too soon.

I cannot even begin to imagine how her mother feels. I know the thoughts that haunt me as I walk by the signs that begged, "Bring Bri Back" and now ask, "Bring Bri Justice." I look at those blue ribbons everywhere and hope that the scum that took Bri sees them and realizes his days are numbered.

We are looking. We are watching. Every man is scrutinized, measured, judged. We are watching. He can try to hide. He can try to run away. But he cannot escape. We are watching.

I pray that justice catches up with him.

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