Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Thursday, November 22, 2012

So Many Blessings

If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you", 
it would be enough.
 ~Meister Eckhart

Thank you for acorns and sunsets, for dogs and green grass, for flowers and snowflakes, for hills and pastures, for eggs and peonies, for mud and winds.  

Thank you for hugs and smiles, for little kids and old ladies, for new babies and blooming teenagers, for constant change and unchanging constants.

Thank you for an inquisitive mind and the gift of procrastination.   Thank you for providing inspiration everywhere I turn.
I am so grateful for the comforts that surround me, for friends and family, for the gifts of Life and Love, and for miracles great and small.  Especially my favorite small miracle...
(the Rosebud at five months)
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. She is just so sweet! SO many wonderful blessings this year. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  2. She is just darling. A little cookie face. And she looks a lot like her grandmama. Lucky you.

  3. Oh, she is sooo cute! I love that age, they start to really show their personalities!!!


  4. Today...I am so feeling this post. Gratitude and Love. And I agree that darling baby girl looks like Grandma. I hope this is a special holiday season for you to start making memories with your first grandchild. I still have the cup and ornament my mom gave me when my oldest was born. The cup says Grandchild's 1st Christmas. All the other kids are jealous they don't have one :)
