Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Fingers Crossed

I'm in dog withdrawal. Every little sound, I look over to see what the pooch is up to and no puppy! And I have to wait till tomorrow morning to see her.

I'm also being a worry wart. Kharma is at the vet's and while I know that spaying is common and safe, in my mind it's major surgery and I feel like I should be there waiting for the vet to come in and tell me she came through fine. I know I'm going to break down soon and give them a call and ask how she's doing.

Hey, Kharma is family. I'll be there first thing in the morning to pick her up (knock wood) and bring her home to coddle with yummy treats and cuddle up quietly with her on the rug and fuss over her little shaved tummy and stitches.

Thank heavens that dogs seem to pass lightly over the events we find so traumatic. Eleven puppies? Give me a quiet spot and thirty minutes and I'll crank them right out and clean them up and give them supper. One of them isn't breathing? I'll just push it into this corner and deal with it later; the others need an extra lick or two right now. Hysterectomy? No problem, glad to be home, sorry I can't jump on you right now, could you possibly wait till tomorrow and then we can go on a five-hour hike.

I'm know it'll go smoothly, but...I'm just being a dog mommy/worry-wart/supertitious hope-er.

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