Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Inspiration Word for Twenty Twelve

Focus:  v. to direct toward a particular purpose or point ; to concentrate energy or attention.  

synonyms: sharpen, concentrate.

It's a good goal for someone who likes to procrastinate, inevitably gets sidetracked because she's ruled by bursts of enthusiasm and sometimes fiddles around with minutiae instead of working on the important priorities.  This is going to be an eventful year and I want no regrets to seep in.

Life can be as boggling as this image if I let it.  I'm determined not to allow myself to over-think and get overwhelmed before I've even started. 

I'm determined to live by the Four Agreements as well.

So far, so good. 
I haven't actually hit the "publish" button yet on my inspiration word, but this is my kind of post.  What a joy it is to be able to write and publish without having to wait for sunshine to take more photos, or scouring my Pinterest site to track down my inspiration, or work out the kinks in a project!  If you think that sounds like five stinkin' unfinished posts that I've recently been working on are still in the draft stage, you're right.  Hang in there--Picasa 1-2-3, Chickens in Winter, UFO's/PIG's/PhD's, January's Mantle and/or Thrift Store How-To's will be coming soon to a blog near you.  Consider this a sneaky peeky preview!

In focus,
Sharing my word with the Blogosphere at Layla's place: The Lettered Cottage


  1. Amen on the photo thing... that really slows me down!

    I like your word... I thought of one too- b.e. ; I hope to post soon.

  2. OMG! That thing makes me dizzy as an old drunk. LOL!

  3. Love your word!-I am your newest follower from Layla's party-Stop by for a visit!
