When my older son was in kindergarten, we learned a song:
Hanukkah, Hanukkah, festival of lights.
Hanukkah, Hanukkah, seven days, eight nights.
Hanukkah, Hanukkah, let the dreidel spin.
Hanukkah, Hanukkah, let's all join in!
(I'm pretty sure it's an old Hap Palmer tune. Love Hap Palmer, even if he neglected to mention the latkes!)
So tonight--the eighth night of Hanukkah--we lit eight candles (even if some were peppermint-striped and some shaped like Christmas trees).
If you counted nine, that's because we used a shamash or helper candle.
And we fried our latkes--you have to love a holiday that involves fried foods!
Sizzle, sizzle.
Yep, served on our
The Night Before Christmas plates.
With homemade applesauce on top...Oh. My. Goodness.
We spun our dreidels while we ate. Long ago I made up little rhymes to help
my feeble brain the kidlets remember what to do:
- Shin (shin, shin, put one in).
- Nun (none in, none out).
- Hay (hay-af, half--one for the pot, one for me, one for the pot, one for me).
- And Gimel (gimel, gimel, gimme all).
It took a lot of spins to get my mini-dreidels to come up Gimel.
I like the win/win of celebrating holidays from other traditions and cultures. Celebrate, understand, respect, coexist peacefully. We can learn a lot from kindergartners.
Dedicated to learning good things,