Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Monday, December 31, 2012

Even Stevens

I posted exactly forty-seven times this year. I was surprised--almost a post a week, which is pretty good considering the amount of time and energy that have gone into family health issues rather than into blogging.  And that Pinterest and I are good friends. 

But I must admit that I have forty-eight drafts that never saw the light of day.  Good ideas without photos.  Good ideas with photos that aren't in focus.  Or good ideas that suffered from a lack of time.  (My family has this idea that they deserve dinner every night.  Alas.) 

I think that's a pretty good excuse.  Still, forty-eight drafts?  Ack!  Major waste.

So rather than end the year 47 to 48, I've added this to my yearly total (because it's not quite midnight in the Biggest Little City) so that at least the drafts don't win. I've sacrificed going downtown in nine degree weather to watch the incredible fireworks display just so that I can end at Even Stevens. 

Not really.  I'm not crazy about crowds or freezing my tootsies off.

"It is what it is."  

Part "carpe diem", part "live in the moment".   A reminder to me that life isn't perfect but I need to accept it as the gift it is, and enjoy it anyway.

Bring joy,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Guideposts -- Week93

The mediocre teacher tells. 
The good teacher explains. 
The superior teacher demonstrates. 
The great teacher inspires.  

~William Arthur Ward 

Dedicated to all the Sandy Hook teachers

Sunday, December 02, 2012

My Guideposts -- Week92

Without music, life would be a mistake.  

~Friedrich Nietzsche

With music, Christmas shopping is tolerable.  I wonder what people think when they hear me singing along as I shop?