Friday, June 26, 2009
Copper Ducks
They were swimming in the river at our turn-around point, a cottonwood-shaded park nearby. This is the first time I've seen them here, although I know they do frequent some Sierra lakes and streams.
We camped near French Reservoir years ago and loved the showy "copper ducks" around our campsite. The bird book called them Common Mergansers, but I don't think there's anything common about these showy waterfowl!
What a nice way to start a summer day.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Temporarily Stymied
Michaels, what are you thinking?
The economy is shaky, three people on our little cul-de-sac are out of work (us included), money is tight, businesses are still failing. There is no way in aitch-ee-double-toothpicks that I am going to pay full price for those album pages. If you want my business, tempt me with a coupon.
Apparently "now" is being revised to "before next December." I'll just find something else to work on while I wait for the coupon fairy to reappear.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Surprise Ending

I didn't know I'd paint it apple green on the spur of the moment or that it would reside in the front of our cottage when it proved too tall for the back fence.

I liked the look; the clematis loved the support. I started getting excited when the first buds began to appear.

The final result is even better than my expectations. Soon it will have blossoms all the way up.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pond Barley
It's magical and mysterious. That's mostly because I'm too lazy to find out how it works--it's enough for me that it does work.
Here we have springtime algae soup. Green, yucky, visibility about six inches.
Of course, if I could have seen down further I would have just seen the black liner.
But eventually I couldn't stand to look at it any more so I drained it and added fresh water. It looked clear for three whole days before it turned into green algae soup again. It looks fairly clear here, although a bit cloudy, and I began collecting rocks to finish it off into the mountain pool of my imagination.(If all this sounds vaguely familiar, it's because I posted my photos a couple months ago.)
I found time to get the filter working again after the puppy tore up the media. At the very top of the filter is a bundle of barley straw doing its magic...
Behold, this is my pond at the summer solstice.What a change--crystalline! The doggies think this is the best water dish ever, obviously. The robins love to splash in the shallows and every bird in the neighborhood drops by for a sip. The newly-acquired water lilies are flourishing. It's time to sit back with a cold lemonade and just enjoy the ambiance.
Thank you, barley straw!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday Morning News
the beast,
had a feast,
and was then released.
Yep, she was fluttering on Friday, had figured out how to hop out of her box on Saturday and fly across the room (not bad for a maiden voyage either), and was ecstatic when I took her into the front yard on Sunday.
I let her out of her cage and she let me know that she had no intentions of coming back inside with me. (Parents have to know when to let go.) So Miss Independence is out there somewhere fending for herself. One thing I've noticed is that jay and robin fledglings spend a lot of time on the ground, but sparrow babies, I'm happy to say, fly well enough to perch in trees. I wish that I'd been able to video her at feeding time and to get one last photo, alas.
I listen for her "cheep" when I'm outside. I keep hoping that her birth parents will watch out for her along with the siblings.
Fly free, little sparrow, fly free!
Friday, June 19, 2009
East (or Tweet) is flourishing. She--yes she turned out to be female--ate close to a tablespoon of food today. A week ago I was trying to get her to just open her beak for me, then I cheered when I was able to feed her one morsel. We both have learned. She chirps imperiously when hungry and has all the vigor of a shark when she sees her spoon coming her way. I now feel empathy for bird parents as they try to gather enough sustenance for a growing brood. I'm relieved that I have only one nestling to care for. As it is, I'm tied to her schedule and make no forays lasting longer than an hour.
She's a bit of a messy eater, but is particular about not spoiling her "nest". In fact, we refer to her as the New World Blast-ended Skrewt (for all you fellow Harry Potter fans).
I've thought more than once that there is a strong kinship between a puppy and a nestling sparrow. East wakes up and wants to eat. She eats and predictably poops. She eats dog food. I know, dog food, who would've thunk it? But that's what's recommended and it does seem to work.
I grind up some kibble in the blender and add water until it's absorbed. I keep it refrigerated and spoon out a teaspoon at a time, adding more water till it has a gruel-ish texture and is room temperature ('cause babies need it like that). It slides right down her gullet and I'm amazed at how much she can eat at one feeding: ten tidbits are the currrent record! When she's full, she might still cheep, but she doesn't open her beak in that endearing way young birds have.
She loves her towel-lined box and finds a way to cuddle into the folds of the towel when she naps. She flutters her wings when I need to move her, so I hope that leaving the nest is coming up soon. Her parents never did come to East's box when it was on the roof, but I've been watching them as they come and go to their nest, so that I'll know when it's time for East to leave her "nest" and enter the wide world with her siblings. Will her parents care for her along with the others? I've got my fingers crossed. If not, I have the example my older son set years ago as he and his best friend successfully taught their little fledgling to forage for bugs and seeds before she finally flew away on her own.
She's really been fun to mother. I'm quite fond of her wide hungry yellow beak and it tickles me to see her little tongue. Her eyes are lively, finally, and her feathers are growing nicely. Like most kids, she hates having her mouth cleaned after a meal. She had a rocky start with her double fall off the roof, but she's a survivor!
I'm planning a photo shoot tomorrow. I wish my camera took better closeups; I might have to borrow my sweetie's to get a keeper of a picture.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Starting a Junkee Habit

This is sterling silver and glass--a perfect place to store my earrings and the occasional hairclip. It polished up like a dream. It makes me smile every time I see it dressing up my vanity.

And this little bunny rabbit has the cutest look on his face. And see, he's waving at you. At two dollars I could afford to add him to the other bunnies that live in Meadowsweet Cottage year round.

p.s. East update: My baby bird is alive, well, peeping, and a ferocious if messy eater!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Are You My Mother?

Yes, apparently.
This is East. He fell out of his nest under our roof tiles, rolled off the roof below and landed on the brick walkway. I rescued him (or her?) since he was a nestling: fledged, but unable to fly. And I'm not able to get him back into his nest.

He's eating soaked, minced dog food because that's what the Google search told me.
See that tan blob where I spilled some? He's a messy eater and I'm a novice birdmom.(Don't ask what the green pile is.)
I feed him with the rabbit end of the child's spoon. His box is outside an upstairs window, right below his real nest, with birdseed sprinkled around it. Neither he nor the birdseed has enticed his parents to resume feeding him.
I just hate parents that shirk their duties.
He spent last night inside, safe from thunderstorms, cuddled in a cozy blue towel, with my heating pad over him for warmth.
I am his slave.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Scratch an Itch

I dragged the bench out of the garden, grabbed my handsander, loaded some 80-weight sandpaper and in a matter of minutes I had a fairly new wood surface to paint. Primer? Nah, the worst that could happen is "shabby chic" after a winter or two. Besides that would delay the instantaneous gratification I clearly deserve.

One unforeseen outcome--this made me notice my flagstone path had been swallowed up by the white violets (the single most aggressive plant I've ever met, including mint, dames rocket, feverfew and lilies of the valley). As of this afternoon, there isn't a violet leaf to be seen, although the roots are still there, and I have an agreement with Mr. RoundUp for a spray-date the instant they show new leaves.
Friday, June 12, 2009
My Front Porch

Just ignore the plastic bags. They're three bottles of radiator fluid from Erkie-pie's truck that need to be recycled. He hasn't taken them yet, so I suppose I'll have to find time next week. My porch will look nicer, of course, but better yet Mother Earth will be happier! We highly recommend to find a location near you to recycle everything from auto fluids to CFL bulbs!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Why Meadowsweet?

- Meadowsweet sounds so pretty.
- I love cottage style; it's so unpretentious.
- I considered Columbine Cottage (my all-time favorite flower), Candytuft Cottage (it's everywhere around here), Coralbell Cottage (it's the first flower I learned the name of when I was little), and Lilypond Cottage (in honor of our pond and its inhabitants).
- I realized that I couldn't pick from among all my flowers. That would be like choosing a favorite child.
- So I chose a flower I don't have.

It makes perfect sense to me.
Anyway, here is the entrance to Meadowsweet Cottage--welcome to my own personal corner of heaven!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Trash Trellis

Sunday, June 07, 2009
"Pink" Iris

This was supposed to be a pink iris. I guess this is as pink as bearded irises get. I like it even though it's not quite like I had pictured--especially in the morning sun right after a June rainshower. Yum! It looks good enough to eat.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
My first summer activity was a walk with Kharma to the pasture, but we'd no sooner stepped out the door than our daily thunderstorm began. We made it all the way to the corner before turning back. We had some rainy-day fun revisiting rusty tricks and working on new behaviors in the garage instead.
So, if I couldn't enjoy a nice long dog-hike and I couldn't play in the garden without getting soaked...hmmmm, must be a craft day! I cut out my dinosaur vest and started sewing, then grabbed some of the sunflower-yellow fabric scraps and began cutting out circles for future yo-yos.
Tomorrow's goals: set up my traditional summer morning walks-with-the-neighbors and grab the batteries from the re-charger so I can start posting photos again.
I feel light-hearted and free. Anything is possible and I get to set my own schedule for the next couple months.
Monday, June 01, 2009
I have been surviving the last moments of the school year. It's a tough job. Last Friday, we had a picture perfect morning kindergarten graduation. Alas, forty-five minutes into the afternoon festivities (costume malfunctions, stage fright, battery failure), I began thinking about how very nice a frosty margarita would make me feel. And then I was too tired to even bother grabbing the Jose Cuervo when I finally dragged myself home.
One and a half more days. Which translates into Field Day (thunderstorms or sunburn, place your bets now) and Summer Birthdays.
Oh! and saying goodbye to my babies (and their parents) with a smile and a hug and, hopefully, no tears on my part. No guarantees there. Some years I can do it and then some years I get an unexpected hug and I lose it.
Why is it that I can't wait for summer and yet can hardly bear the thought of saying goodbye to the sweet little faces that have greeted me daily. Beginnings and endings, endings and beginnings.