Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

My 2013 Inspiration

Bring Joy.

It's a phrase that has been popping up in front of my eyeballs on reader boards, holiday gift wrap and Christmas newsletters.  When the Universe chooses to send me messages, I know enough to listen!

I love the fact that each time I saw "bring joy" (or a variation thereof) it resonated so strongly with me.  I feel like it chose me rather than vice versa.

Bring.      Joy. 

Two separate words.  It's the "bring" that inspires and challenges me.  I have plenty of internal delight in my life and I need to externalize it.

My brain is already whirling with ways to fulfill it: extra-clean surfaces to delight my poor long-suffering husband who lives with my enthusiastically creative messes, small birthday treats for friends near and far, spreading random acts of kindness in unexpected places, fluffing my home and my workplace to provide a nourishing environment, disciplining my inner life to match the outer.  Or should that be making my outer jive with my inner?    So many possibilities!

So I'm on a mission for Twenty-Thirteen.  What a challenge to live up to!  Wish me luck.

Bring joy,
The Lettered Cottage


  1. So funny. My word for this year is EnJOY. I love the word thought the EnJOY would be better. I love the bring joy. So many words are a challenge.....not in the mood for a challenge, hah. Happy New Year.

    1. Joy in any way, shape or form is awesome IMHO, Debby. I think you have the gift of joy especially when it comes to the little ones!

  2. Great word, with so many possibilities. You touched on mine..."nourish," it also is filled with many possibilities. Best wishes to both of us as we incorporate our new words into our new lives in the new year!!

    1. The best part of starting over is the plethora of new possibilities. There are so many unexpected ways our inspiration word can be applied. I love your "nourish" BTW but I'm afraid it would just send me straight to the goodie cupboard, Joanne. Because I'd focus on the absolutely wrong definition, lol!

  3. A good motto to live by! We should all try it out. Perhaps we could finish it off with, "Bring joy to be Joyful". The world needs happiness and happy people!

    1. You can never have too much happy!

      It's going to be an interesting year with this one, Jeri. So far it's meant that I should shut my mouth! I think of myself as a positive person but I'm finding that I have some room for improvement, lol!

  4. I love this and am still wanting to finish my 26 random acts of kindness! I wish you great luck!

  5. I always smile when I see you've left a comment for me. You bring joy to me. Thank you for blogging so that a super busy mom in Utah can come to know and love your kind heart.
