Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Happy May Day!

Once Spring finally decided to unpack her bags, she sprang quickly. Every day is a new delight. (If your Spring is slow to arrive, keep heart and know she'll get there eventually.  She's definitely worth waiting for after a cold, dark winter.)

I spent five minutes just gazing at a pink dogwood blossom, marveling at the stripes and color and structure. Does anyone else lose themselves that way?

It's putting me in artist mode again--getting myself a sketchbook is on my to-do list for this weekend.  As well as making myself a mini-watercolor travel kit from a very Pinteresting article I found.  I'm eager to move on from the very entertaining (to me, anyway) cartoon animal sketches I've been doing and begin working in plein air

Happy May!  I hope it brings you sunshine and warmth and vernal flowers and greengreengreen!

Bring joy,

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