Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Guideposts (8)

               That is one good thing about this world...

           there are sure to be more springs.

~Lucy Maude Montgomery

Anne of Avonlea

Spring is making up for lost time.  I turned around and the apple tree was blossoming and I'm pretty sure that they weren't open five minutes previously!  What a delight life is...enjoy your week ahead, dear friends, and may we laugh no matter what life throws at us.


  1. Spring is dragging its heels in Michigan -- 37 this morning and a bit of snow earlier. But they claim 50s and even 60s later this week. A girl can hope! Love your blossoms!

  2. Thanks for the great work you've done on this blog

  3. Loved readingg this thanks

  4. It’s wonderful to see spring arrive with such vibrancy.
