Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Missing a Bunny Burrow

Chana, contact the mothership.

I've been reading the Bunny Burrow for way too long to have it go missing. I know it's there. But I've been 401'd.

401, when Googled, is geek-speak for "you need a password to log on to this site". I've been 401'd from many university or government logs when doing research. It's never bothered me, because I knew the information would be available elsewhere.

Other blogs have disappeared from my daily read over the years, like Toad Pizza and Rockstar Mommy. They've either needed more time for Real Life or Just Changed.

Was there a hovering threat over the Burrow? Was it general uneasiness about stranger danger in the blogosphere? I know life isn't always safe. I think bloggers are pretty brave to open themselves to the universe with their lives and thoughts. I'm always astonished at those with real names (well, I assume they're real names).

Bloggers become friends over the years. I love that geography and age don't seem to matter much. I've known many of you for years. You seem like valued neighbors. We've shared family joys, marriages, new babies, new puppies, vacations, remodeling projects, divorces, deaths, growing children, craft ideas, extended family and haircuts through our blogs and comments.

Chana, you're someone I don't want to lose track of. Your blog makes me happy! We have history, girlfriend. I'm hoping you'll drop by and see this post and want me back.

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