Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Monday, November 22, 2010

No Secrets

Fresh snow never lies. Miss Mousey spends her nights hanging out in the chicken run and sleeps in the woodpile during the day.

It's hard to devise a trap that won't catch chicken toes or a dog nose.

So for now, Miss Mousey gets a pass.
I guess the white stuff has gotten me in the Christmas spirit a little early this year.



  1. Good grief. I cannot believe you are getting snow before us. It would be very hard to sneak one over on you without leaving a trail.LOL!
    Have a wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving!

  2. Where there is one Miss Mousie there are.... well, you know. Just follow the mouse turds in the snow. SNOW! WOW, wish we had some of that stuff.

  3. The snow looks wonderful. Miss Mousie.. well I don't care so much for them either, but the little footprints are quite cute!
    thanks for dropping in, stay warm and happy thanksgivings.
