I just wanted to say that I'm reading your blogs. I really am.
My ability to have my comments actually post on your blogs is another thing entirely.
Gee, there's nothing I enjoy more than to compose a comment on how I love your _____ or I think that _____ or to thank you for _____ and then have it inexplicably disappear into The Land of Lost Comments (she growled sarcastically).
It's driving me into frustrated silence.
I'm finding time to write my posts; I'm finding time to read yours; I'm finding time to write comments (or at least try); now I have to find time to troubleshoot! Is it our firewall? The old hard drive? The new hard drive? Google or Blogger? Is anybody else out there having this trouble? Ack!
You ladies are my friends and I love staying in contact with you.
Not quite having a tantrum (yet),

My ability to have my comments actually post on your blogs is another thing entirely.
Gee, there's nothing I enjoy more than to compose a comment on how I love your _____ or I think that _____ or to thank you for _____ and then have it inexplicably disappear into The Land of Lost Comments (she growled sarcastically).
It's driving me into frustrated silence.
I'm finding time to write my posts; I'm finding time to read yours; I'm finding time to write comments (or at least try); now I have to find time to troubleshoot! Is it our firewall? The old hard drive? The new hard drive? Google or Blogger? Is anybody else out there having this trouble? Ack!
You ladies are my friends and I love staying in contact with you.
Not quite having a tantrum (yet),
Someone e-mailed me yesterday that she tried to post a comment on my blog 4 times and it wouldn't take. She lives in your part of the country, mysterious.
ReplyDeleteAny way, love the jolly, cheerful cups above!
I can feel you there even when you don't comment! :)