Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Simple Gifts

I meant to post this mid-month, but didn't have the photos ready to go. These two items are still delighting me on my kitchen windowsill.

Birthdays are wonderful in a couple of ways--I feel like I get to do whatever makes me happy and I'm grateful every single year that the MLK holiday treats me to a three-day weekend near/on my special day.  You can bet I enjoyed my extended weekend this year!

In the choosing my fun category,  I treated myself to a walk with Kharma in the afternoon. We investigated the new field mouse tunnels exposed by melting snow as we circumnavigated the pasture and evaluated cow flops as free sources of manure if I (gardener!) could figure out how to collect them and get them back home. Kharma (dog!) was all for hauling back as many cowpies as I could handle.

In twenty-two years on the west end of town, I'd never ventured onto the remnants of country road that ran through the ranch until suburbia and four lanes sprang up and made it redundant. I thought I'd grab a birthday rock souvenir so we headed that way through some unexpected mud to find a river rock to add to the pond area.  We chose a nicely rounded rock but as I walked towards it I discovered this yummy aqua insulator floating up through the frost-heave.  And on the way out we came across this pristine white goose feather calmly sitting there waiting for us to pick it up.

I feel like the universe was wishing me a happy birthday!

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