Love, empathy, tolerance--also puppies, flowers, and laundry

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

March Goal, a Month of Posts

Posting each day?? A lofty goal since I've let my blog posts dry up for longer than I even want to know!

Today's word is "tenebrous".  Pretty much the way our skies have looked for the past couple of days as the storms rolled in.  Not today though!


Today's March came in with glorious sunshine and relatively warm temperatures considering that the tail end of February brought lavish amounts of snowfall to the Sierra Nevada.  So, I think I'm crediting March with a Lamb entrance even though there's snow piled up everywhere and icicles have made a drippy-droppy appearance.

Tonight the western sky is treating us to the sight of Venus and Jupiter "kissing".  It's a lovely way to end the day.



  1. We have had so much snow here recently...and ice below and on top of it. I am ready for the simple spring pleasures! Have a wonderful day- Hugs- Diana

  2. I rather like that you're giving March the "lamb" definition despite the snow and ice (granted, February -- still...) We had 50 on March 1 and today about four or five inches of snow on the ground and it's cold! I'm just looking forward to the spring. Real spring.

    Wasn't the Venus/Jupiter conjunction beautiful? Of course, none of my photos were worth a grain of salt (I should have been out about an hour earlier) but still, just seeing it was breathtaking.

    Thanks so much for stopping by Marmelade Gypsy this week! So lovely see see you there!
